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Revision as of 17:08, 7 February 2011 by Mmars (talk | contribs)

IMIX = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Default: IMIX = 4 

Description: IMIX specifies the type of mixing.

Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): \rho _{{{\rm {mix}}}}=\rho _{{{\rm {out}}}}
The mixed density is given by
Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): \rho _{{{\rm {mix}}}}\left(G\right)=\rho _{{{\rm {in}}}}\left(G\right)+A{\frac {G^{2}}{G^{2}+B^{2}}}{\Bigl (}\rho _{{{\rm {out}}}}\left(G\right)-\rho _{{{\rm {in}}}}\left(G\right){\Bigr )}
with Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): A =AMIX and Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): B =BMIX
If BMIX is chosen to be very small, e.g. BMIX=0.0001, a simple straight mixing is obtained. Please mind, that BMIX=0 might cause floating point exceptions on some platforms.
  • IMIX=2: A variant of the popular Tchebycheff mixing scheme.[2]
In our implementation a second order equation of motion is used, that reads:
Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\ddot {\rho }}_{{{\rm {in}}}}\left(G\right)=2*A{\frac {G^{2}}{G^{2}+B^{2}}}{\Bigl (}\rho _{{{\rm {out}}}}\left(G\right)-\rho _{{{\rm {in}}}}\left(G\right){\Bigr )}-\mu {\dot {\rho }}_{{{\rm {in}}}}\left(G\right)
with Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): A =AMIX, Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): B =BMIX, and Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): \mu =AMIN.
A simple velocity Verlet algorithm is used to integrate this equation, and the discretized equation reads (the index N now refers to the electronic iteration, F is the force acting on the charge):
Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\dot {\rho }}_{{N+1/2}}={\Bigl (}\left(1-\mu /2\right){\dot {\rho }}_{{N-1/2}}+2*F_{N}{\Bigr )}/\left(1+\mu /2\right)
Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): F\left(G\right)=A{\frac {G^{2}}{G^{2}+B^{2}}}{\Bigl (}\rho _{{{\rm {out}}}}\left(G\right)-\rho _{{{\rm {in}}}}\left(G\right){\Bigr )}
Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): \rho _{{N+1}}=\rho _{{N+1}}+{\dot {\rho }}_{{N+1/2}} .

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