Equilibrium volume of Si in the RPA
Description: calculation of the equilibrium lattice constant of Si in the RPA (ACFDT).
# # To run VASP this script calls $vasp_std # (or posibly $vasp_gam and/or $vasp_ncl). # These variables can be defined by sourcing vaspcmd . vaspcmd 2> /dev/null # # When vaspcmd is not available and $vasp_std, # $vasp_gam, and/or $vasp_ncl are not set as environment # variables, you can specify them here [ -z "`echo $vasp_std`" ] && vasp_std="mpirun -np 8 /path-to-your-vasp/vasp_std" [ -z "`echo $vasp_gam`" ] && vasp_gam="mpirun -np 8 /path-to-your-vasp/vasp_gam" [ -z "`echo $vasp_ncl`" ] && vasp_ncl="mpirun -np 8 /path-to-your-vasp/vasp_ncl" # # The real work starts here # for i in 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 ; do cat >POSCAR <<! system Si $i 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 2 cart 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 ! # start with a PBE calculation with a lot of k-points (needed for EXX) rm WAVECAR WAVEDER cp KPOINTS.12 KPOINTS cp INCAR.DFT INCAR $vasp_std cp OUTCAR OUTCAR.DFT.$i e1=`awk '/free energy/ {print $5}' OUTCAR` # get the HF energy with PBE orbitals cp INCAR.EXX INCAR $vasp_std e2=`awk '/free energy/ {print $5}' OUTCAR` cp OUTCAR OUTCAR.EXX.$i # now a PBE calculation with less k-points rm WAVECAR WAVEDER cp KPOINTS.6 KPOINTS cp INCAR.DFT INCAR $vasp_std # obtain virtual orbitals cp INCAR.DIAG INCAR $vasp_std cp OUTCAR OUTCAR.DIAG.$i cp WAVECAR WAVECAR.$i cp WAVEDER WAVEDER.$i ## for metals # cp INCAR.HFC INCAR # $vasp_std # # cp OUTCAR OUTCAR.HFC.$i # e3=`awk '/HF-correction/ {print $4}' OUTCAR` # RPA correlation cp INCAR.ACFDT INCAR $vasp_std cp OUTCAR OUTCAR.ACFDT.$i e4=`awk '/converged value/ {print $3}' OUTCAR` # echo $i $e1 $e2 $e3 $e4 >> summary echo $i $e1 $e2 $e4 >> summary done
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