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Revision as of 14:33, 7 April 2022 by Huebsch (talk | contribs)

TEBEG = [real]
Default: TEBEG = 0 

Description: TEBEG sets the start temperature for an ab-initio molecular dynamics run (IBRION=0) and other routines (e.g. Electron-phonon interactions from Monte-Carlo sampling).

If no initial velocities are supplied on the POSCAR file, the velocities are set randomly according to a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at the initial temperature TEBEG. Velocities are only used for molecular dynamics (IBRION=0).

Mind: If MDALGO>0 is used VASP defines the temperature as

This temperature ist written to the OUTCAR file. Depending on the type of thermostat this temperature has to be rescaled to obtain the real simulation temperature.

In this thermostat the number of degrees of freedom including constraines are already acounted for in the potential energy term. In this this method the center of mass is conserved. This lowers the degrees of freedom by one which is also taken into account in the OUTCAR file.

Same as for Nose-Hoover thermostat.

As for the Nose-Hoover thermostat and Andersen thermostat in this thermostat the number of degrees of freedom including constraines are already acounted for. The center of mass is not conserved in this method, hence this method has 3 degrees of freedom more than the Nose-Hoover thermostat and Andersen thermostat.

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