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bib=P.-W. Ma and S. L. Dudarev, ''Constrained density functional for noncollinear magnetism'', ''Phys. Rev. B'' 91(5), 054420 (2015).|
bib=P.-W. Ma and S. L. Dudarev, ''Constrained density functional for noncollinear magnetism'', ''Phys. Rev. B'' 91(5), 054420 (2015).|
bib=Hellmann, H., ''A New Approximation Method in the Problem of Many Electrons'', ''J. Chem. Phys.'' 3, 61 (1935).|
bib=Hamann, D. Schlüter,  M. and Chiang, C., ''Norm-Conserving Pseudopotentials'', ''Phys. Rev. Lett.'' 43(20), 1494-1497 (1979).|
bib=Hamann, D. Schlüter,  M. and Chiang, C., ''Norm-Conserving Pseudopotentials'', ''Comput. Phys. Rep.'' 9(3), 115-197 (1989).|
bib=Kurt Lejaeghere, Gustav Bihlmayer, Torbjörn Björkman, Peter Blaha, Stefan Blügel, Volker Blum, Damien Caliste, Ivano E. Castelli, Stewart J. Clark, Andrea Dal Corso, Stefano de Gironcoli, Thierry Deutsch, John Kay Dewhurst, Igor Di Marco, Claudia Draxl, Marcin Dułak, Olle Eriksson, José A. Flores-Livas, Kevin F. Garrity, Luigi Genovese, Paolo Giannozzi, Matteo Giantomassi, Stefan Goedecker, Xavier Gonze, Oscar Grånäs, E. K. U. Gross, Andris Gulans, François Gygi, D. R. Hamann, Phil J. Hasnip, N. A. W. Holzwarth, Diana Iuşan, Dominik B. Jochym, François Jollet, Daniel Jones, Georg Kresse, Klaus Koepernik, Emine Küçükbenli, Yaroslav O. Kvashnin, Inka L. M. Locht, Sven Lubeck, Martijn Marsman, Nicola Marzari, Ulrike Nitzsche, Lars Nordström, Taisuke Ozaki, Lorenzo Paulatto, Chris J. Pickard, Ward Poelmans, Matt I. J. Probert, Keith Refson, Manuel Richter, Gian-Marco Rignanese, Santanu Saha, Matthias Scheffler, Martin Schlipf, Karlheinz Schwarz, Sangeeta Sharma, Francesca Tavazza, Patrik Thunström, Alexandre Tkatchenko, Marc Torrent, David Vanderbilt, Michiel J. van Setten, Veronique Van Speybroeck, John M. Wills, Jonathan R. Yates, Guo-Xu Zhang, and Stefaan Cottenier , ''Reproducibility in density functional theory calculations of solids'', ''Science'' 351, 6280 (2016).|

Revision as of 10:15, 12 October 2023