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Error: RATTLE_vel algorithm did not converge!

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2025 8:05 am
by renjie_chen1

Hi everyone,

I just encountered an error problem "Error: RATTLE_vel algorithm did not converge!" when I tried to run NpT for a relatively large box (50 \AA^3), with constraints on the lattice angles in ICONST. It seems to be a general problem for large systems and that LANGEVIN_GAMMA, LANGEVIN_GAMMA_L and PMASS are relevant, but I have no idea about in which way I should vary them to solve the problem. These paramters in my INCAR are set to be:
PMASS = 1000
I did have tried to vary some of them, but the problem remains. Any clue on that?

Thank you very much and happy 2025!